Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm really just a sensitive Artist.

Yesterday I finished the first part of my training as a state licensed security officer. The class consisted of the laws that govern security, techniques, and a bit of details about procedures. I am looking foward to actually working in this feild. However, this is alot different from what I used to do. I used to be a technician in the entertainment feild. Before that I was a baker, before that I detailed cars, worked in a stock room, worked fast food, delivered cars, did construction labor, and mowed lawns. I returned recyclables and sold blood plasma for money. I have also accepted money for fixing computers, fixing cars, and selling other peoples stuff on ebay.

So, for most of my life, I have done things for money. Alot of people do. Almost everybody in fact. But I don't even think about it most of the time. I do so many more things just for fun. One of my favorite things is to create something. A clever word or phrase gives me joy. A doodad that I put together the other day made me smile all day. ( It's a dealie for mounting a camera to my Motorbike). I made a video of me riding my Motorbike.

So I make alot of things that make me happy, but will never make me money.

I'm ok with that.

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