Monday, May 10, 2010

Even the Weather Channel?

I remember quite a few years ago MTV used to play nothing but music videos. Then they started to put on news, then shows, and they made a few movies. It was good to watch Beavis and Butthead and Aeon Flux. They made the Real World and Cribs. They produced Varsity Blues and Office Space, two of my favorite movies. None of these things were related to Music at all.
When The History Channel played Planet of the Apes it was a statement of movie history. But it really wasn't history although it was an historical movie. They played some other movies since then but they haven't yet gone the way of MTV.
So, the other night I was looking through the movie guide and saw Dead Calm. It was not a popular movie at the time and it doesn't really have much to recommend it. I stopped to look at it because I like a young Nicole Kidman. In 1980 Nicole kidman was still a young actress with curly red hair and an Aussie accent. You also get to see Billy Zane before he was bald and scary.
Ok, before he was bald. The main reason to watch this movie is a very short sex scene with Nicole Kidman getting naked. It is very quick and really not watching the movie for.

Nicole Kidman Dead Calm Sex Scene

This was regular Cable so they edited out the main part of this scene, they missed one of Nicole's nipples though, so one nipple showed. What's the big deal? We've all seen nipples before. A lot of people have even seen Nicole Kidman's nipple. This is the big deal: It was on the Weather Channel. Weather is always boring unless you're waiting for a hurricane, tornado, or flood. So sombody at the Weather Channel decided to show a movie. NO! weather is supposed to be boring, don't put movies on! Ever! When is this going to stop?

Whatever. Anyhow that is how I saw Nicole Kidman's nipple and found out it was raining in New Jersey at the same time.

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