Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It smells like victory

I've heard that certain smells can evoke memories. Some people will wax ecstatic about the smell of fresh baked bread reminding them of their grandmother, or how coffee reminds them of waking up as a child. But what about bad smells. I often smell something bad and it doesn't evoke a memory so much as it evokes an emotion. If you have ever smelled a dead rat or mouse it never leaves you. The thought of smelling dead animals makes me a bit nauseous. I used to walk alot and at times would have to walk near a roadkill animal or other some such nastiness and it would bother me so much that I didn't enjoy walking.

People who work in smelly conditions often say they get used to the smell.
Sewage always smells bad. Porta potties always smell bad. Apartments where someone died and lay rotting for a month smell very bad. But some people get used to it. I used to work with chemicals which some people said smelled bad. I never thought of the smell as bad or good.
Certain foods can either smell bad or good depending on the person. Body odor is wierd, because I know when I smell bad, but some people do not have a clue when they stink. Bad breath is one that is hard for you to detect on yourself but plenty easy to smell on someone else.

There are some people who smell downright funky. Old men douse themselves in old fashioned after shave that smells like lighter fluid. It evokes a reaction in me. It annoys me.
Old ladies often use old fashioned perfume which is kind of stinky, but it makes me feel nice.
Intentional smells, but they evoke opposite reactions.

I wonder what smells I will expeirence in the future and how they will make me feel.
Enough of that, just remember this: If someone you like has bad breath let them know, carry mints, don't use stinky after shave.

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