Thursday, July 29, 2010

GPS use is a vicious cycle

I was doing a bit of traveling recently. I drove my truck from Florida to California and back again with several stops along the way. I used my Garmin to find everything. I have some problems with it though. First of all, her condescending tone pissed me off. Then the way she would make me drive through the middle of these stupid towns instead of just staying on the highway. I don't know why I had to drive through the middle of Mobile. They should have a feature that lets you avoid crack neighborhoods. One that also avoids St. Louis would be nice. I have nothing against St. Louis but my Garmin sends me down these fucked up highways that don't exist. Everytime she said "recalculating" I wanted to throw her out the window. Rest stops should just pop up when you pull off into one. Then, once I got to Sacramento she couldn't find anything. Ditto Las Vegas. put in an address she was fine, but ask for Taco Bell and she takes you to a warehouse. Anyhow, gonna use maps along with Garmin next time.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

From Hell

This has nothing to do with Jack the Ripper. The place where Jack the Ripper Murdered women in 1888 was the hell of an evil mind. But it was also the area he was in. Whitechapel was a notorious hell hole. drugs, prostitutes, drunken brawls, domestic violence and general hopelessness were prevalent.

I recently spent some time in Orange County's local hell hole; Pine Hills.

I was in a part of pine hills that was mostly legitimate businesses. However, two weeks into my four week job somebody got shot in the same parking lot I was in! I wasn't there at the time, but I might have been.

I saw a few people who were mentally challenged. A woman who was obviously schizophrenic, a guy with an OCD inspired walk and many others who I could not diagnose (I am not a Doctor). But I don't think these people should be on their own.

There were probably a few hookers and an assload of people on the drugs. I can only say for sure that two guys were carrying guns. ( I could see the imprint under their shirt) I suspected many more. I guess that about half the men walking by had some kind of weapon on them. I don't blame them since I would have been armed if I was there.

I have to say I did not see any illegal activity. I would have been legally obliged to report that. I did see alot of Dodgey people. I also saw some normal looking people.

I felt sad for the nice people who lived in the area. It sucks to be poor. The neighbood sucks. The assholes around suck. There was alot of them. I'm glad I don't live in Pine Hills anymore. Pine Hills is over all not the worst place in the world. It is still a little slice of hell though.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Even the Weather Channel?

I remember quite a few years ago MTV used to play nothing but music videos. Then they started to put on news, then shows, and they made a few movies. It was good to watch Beavis and Butthead and Aeon Flux. They made the Real World and Cribs. They produced Varsity Blues and Office Space, two of my favorite movies. None of these things were related to Music at all.
When The History Channel played Planet of the Apes it was a statement of movie history. But it really wasn't history although it was an historical movie. They played some other movies since then but they haven't yet gone the way of MTV.
So, the other night I was looking through the movie guide and saw Dead Calm. It was not a popular movie at the time and it doesn't really have much to recommend it. I stopped to look at it because I like a young Nicole Kidman. In 1980 Nicole kidman was still a young actress with curly red hair and an Aussie accent. You also get to see Billy Zane before he was bald and scary.
Ok, before he was bald. The main reason to watch this movie is a very short sex scene with Nicole Kidman getting naked. It is very quick and really not watching the movie for.

Nicole Kidman Dead Calm Sex Scene

This was regular Cable so they edited out the main part of this scene, they missed one of Nicole's nipples though, so one nipple showed. What's the big deal? We've all seen nipples before. A lot of people have even seen Nicole Kidman's nipple. This is the big deal: It was on the Weather Channel. Weather is always boring unless you're waiting for a hurricane, tornado, or flood. So sombody at the Weather Channel decided to show a movie. NO! weather is supposed to be boring, don't put movies on! Ever! When is this going to stop?

Whatever. Anyhow that is how I saw Nicole Kidman's nipple and found out it was raining in New Jersey at the same time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let's Do This!!!

So, I started working 2 weeks ago. It is very strange. I have done what is called "Babysitting" and I was on a foot patrol. The foot patrol was really cool. I was outside all night and I walked back and forth every 15-30 minutes. I had my flashlight and a radio. There were nearby houses having parties. I could hear the music and the murmer of voices for most of the evening. I really didn't have any problems, nor did anyone else. It was fun, though. I sat outside and drank my soda and daydreamed and kept an Eye on things. I walked back and forth alot. I got rained on a little, but it wasn't bad. I enjoyed my own company and I got a little excercise.
The Babysitting was a bit different. I didn't have a radio since I was by myself. I didn't need a flashlight because I was in a brightly lit hotel. I had a book. I had a chair. I looked at the doors I was watching and was happy to note that one of the rooms had been designated a "no farting zone" . These were cheerleaders. Not like "Bring It On" at all though. No Eliza Dushku. Just alot of 12 year olds. A couple of the moms were cute. They used the hair dryers for the first hour and a half. In the middle of the night a girl came out of her room crying. I hear they do that. What was I supposed to do? I let her go to her mother's room. What would you do? There was alot of Parents there and they made more noise than the girls. I did a another job babysitting a highschool music department. Luckily I got the boys. Not one of them wandered out into the hallway crying. This seems to be the way it is for these. Good!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It smells like victory

I've heard that certain smells can evoke memories. Some people will wax ecstatic about the smell of fresh baked bread reminding them of their grandmother, or how coffee reminds them of waking up as a child. But what about bad smells. I often smell something bad and it doesn't evoke a memory so much as it evokes an emotion. If you have ever smelled a dead rat or mouse it never leaves you. The thought of smelling dead animals makes me a bit nauseous. I used to walk alot and at times would have to walk near a roadkill animal or other some such nastiness and it would bother me so much that I didn't enjoy walking.

People who work in smelly conditions often say they get used to the smell.
Sewage always smells bad. Porta potties always smell bad. Apartments where someone died and lay rotting for a month smell very bad. But some people get used to it. I used to work with chemicals which some people said smelled bad. I never thought of the smell as bad or good.
Certain foods can either smell bad or good depending on the person. Body odor is wierd, because I know when I smell bad, but some people do not have a clue when they stink. Bad breath is one that is hard for you to detect on yourself but plenty easy to smell on someone else.

There are some people who smell downright funky. Old men douse themselves in old fashioned after shave that smells like lighter fluid. It evokes a reaction in me. It annoys me.
Old ladies often use old fashioned perfume which is kind of stinky, but it makes me feel nice.
Intentional smells, but they evoke opposite reactions.

I wonder what smells I will expeirence in the future and how they will make me feel.
Enough of that, just remember this: If someone you like has bad breath let them know, carry mints, don't use stinky after shave.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Does this mean I have to get a Job?

I just compleated the course to get a security class "D" license. It was fun and interesting. The class was about the laws and procedures that govern all security professionals in Florida. They also tought us what it might be like to work in security. It comes down to this; It is a Job. I intend to try it out, but it seems like a job i can do well and also enjoy. Do I wanna be a cop? NO. that shit is way too dangerous. You also deal with people who are trying to break the law most of the time. Do I just want a badge and a gun? No, I have a gun, and as for badges I say,
"Badges, we don't need no stinking badges."
Ok, so what is the appeal?
I guess I like the idea of security. It feels reassuring to me that I may be able to make other people safe. Most people will never appreciate what you do. Many people will never even know how what you do effects them.
That doesn't matter to me, I just need to know what I am doing and how I can make the world a better place.
Also, it pays better than McDonalds and you don't have to ride the bus smelling like fries.

Oh, and I forgot. If you save someone's life they have to be your servent until they save your life.
So, you know, a chance for a free servent, which is nice.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm really just a sensitive Artist.

Yesterday I finished the first part of my training as a state licensed security officer. The class consisted of the laws that govern security, techniques, and a bit of details about procedures. I am looking foward to actually working in this feild. However, this is alot different from what I used to do. I used to be a technician in the entertainment feild. Before that I was a baker, before that I detailed cars, worked in a stock room, worked fast food, delivered cars, did construction labor, and mowed lawns. I returned recyclables and sold blood plasma for money. I have also accepted money for fixing computers, fixing cars, and selling other peoples stuff on ebay.

So, for most of my life, I have done things for money. Alot of people do. Almost everybody in fact. But I don't even think about it most of the time. I do so many more things just for fun. One of my favorite things is to create something. A clever word or phrase gives me joy. A doodad that I put together the other day made me smile all day. ( It's a dealie for mounting a camera to my Motorbike). I made a video of me riding my Motorbike.

So I make alot of things that make me happy, but will never make me money.

I'm ok with that.